IIS Strategic Plan

Institute of Island Studies | Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan of the Institute of Island Studies (2016–2021)

Vision: To be the leading centre of excellence on issues related to island studies scholarship, public policy and engagement.

This vision will be achieved by engaging in the set of activities listed below, disaggregated by the four Purposes of the Institute.

To encourage a deep knowledge, understanding, and expression of Prince Edward Island
  • Sponsor and host/co-host a regular IIS lecture series.
  • Brand the IIS as the entity to undertake or broker research on any topic related to island studies on PEI.
To serve as a bridge between the University and Island communities
  • Update and maintain the main IIS communications portals, including the website, listserves, and social media.
  • Collaborate with Island communities and organizations on activities that reflect shared goals.
  • Recognize those individuals who have made exceptional contributions to building island studies’ capacity.
To contribute to the formulation of public policy in Prince Edward Island
  • Undertake a provincial assessment of Islander quality-of-life/wellbeing.
  • Disseminate island studies knowledge and scholarship with a public policy dimension through various means including the Island Studies Press.
  • Undertake research and public engagement contracts for the provincial government and government agencies.
  • Continue to host symposia on public policy issues of critical importance to the future of Prince Edward Island.
To undertake and facilitate island studies research and education at local, national, and global scales
  • Facilitate and broker collaborations among UPEI faculty and departments undertaking island studies research locally, nationally, and internationally.
  • Apply for grants and funding to develop stronger partnerships with other international island studies organizations.
  • Establish and support Chairs on island studies scholarship, engagement, and pedagogy.
  • Develop an Island Studies Scholar-in-Residence program at the University of Prince Edward Island.
  • Enrich the activities and reputation of the IIS through the Research Associates and the MA Island Studies adjunct graduate faculty.
  • Host and support international conferences related to island studies topics.

Institute of Island Studies · Governance