Virtual Hub: Islands and COVID-19 Recovery Plans: Promoting Resilience and Sustainability (September 2020)

Islands and COVID-19 Recovery Plans: Promoting Resilience and Sustainability
September 1, 2020 · 11:00am-12:30pm ADT
Click here to watch the video on the IIS YouTube channel
The Institute of Island Studies is delighted to kick off a season of online programming with a Virtual Hub event discussing Islands and COVID-19 Recovery Plans: Promoting Resilience and Sustainability.
Hosted by the Institute of Island Studies in collaboration with Island Innovation and the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance (SCELG), this Virtual Hub event will be an opportunity to share lessons on how islands are demonstrating resilience as they respond to COVID-19, and bring a collection of local voices together to discuss the challenges and opportunities that we are navigating here on Prince Edward Island.
Moderated by Dr. Laurie Brinklow, the discussion will be led by our key speakers (see below) who will then be joined by representatives from island communities around the world and here on PEI, before opening the floor up to questions from attendees.
• Dr. Jim Randall UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability, UPEI
• Dr. Francesco Sindico Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance (SCELG)
• Dr. Giulia Sajeva (Egadi Islands, Italy) Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship holder with SCELG
• Dr. John Telesford (Grenada) School of Continuing Education, T. A. Marryshow Community College
• Dr. Andrew Jennings (Shetland Islands, Scotland) Institute for Northern Studies, University of Highlands and Islands
• Jane Ledwell (Prince Edward Island) Executive Director, PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women
About the Virtual Hub Series
This event is part of a series of Virtual Hubs, which took place in the lead-up to the Virtual Island Summit (Sept 7-13, 2020). The Virtual Island Summit is a free and entirely online event designed to connect global islands to share their common experiences through a digital platform, and an opportunity to join islanders from around the world to share ideas, good practices, and solutions. In 2020, pre-Summit events called Virtual Hubs were organized with the support of Island Innovation, with the hope of taking this global concept and making concrete local links and strategies to benefit local communities.
For more information about the Virtual Island Summit, visit
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