Small Business from Small Islands (2003–2006)
Small Business from Small Islands – The NISSOS Project
The NISSOS Project was a 3-yiisear, pilot project identifying ‘best practice’ data collated from 10 successful, locally owned, export oriented, manufacturing firms from 5 island regions in Europe.

Compiled by Dr. Godfrey Baldacchino, University of Malta
In collaboration with 11 institutional partners and Malta Enterprise as lead partner
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- The NISSOS Project and its Partners
- Showcasing Successful Manufacturing Firms
- Research Methodology
- Discussion: Raw materials
- Discussion: High-tech
- General Conclusions… and more questions
Real Stories of 5 firms — working with locally available raw materials | Real Stories of 5 firms — working with high technology products | |
from Aland | Snickarboden | Consilia |
from Iceland | Lysi | Frisk |
from Malta | Mdina Glass | Shireburn Software |
from Saaremaa | Saare Paat | Baltic Workboats |
from Scottish Isles | Shetland Designer | Gaeltec |
Discussion | Discussion |
Links to NISSOS-based journal articles:
Baldacchino G. (2005) – ‘Successful Small Sale Manufacturing from Small Islands: Comparing Firms benefiting from Local Raw Material Input’, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, Vol. 18, No. 1, January, pp. 21-38.
Baldacchino G. (2005) – ‘Island Entrepreneurs: Insights from Exceptionally Successful Knowledge-Driven SMEs from 5 European Island Territories’, Journal of Enterprising Cultures, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 145-170.
Baldacchino G. (2005) – ‘Successful Small-Scale Manufacturing: A Comparative Assessment across Five European Island Regions’, Bank of Valletta Review (Malta), No. 31 (Spring), pp. 17-31.