Canada’s Islands Database: The Military
3 – Canada’s Islands and the Military
Since the 17th Century, Canada’s islands have been linked to French, British and Canadian Military activities. Below is a thematic classification of these islands, according to the multiple roles they have played and their place in Canadian military history. These examples include islands in the St. Lawrence axis, the Great Lakes and the Gulf of St. Lawrence .
Fortress Islands and defence structures:
- Louisbourg, Isle Royale ( Cape Breton), Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1758
- Fort Lévis , Chimney Island (Ontario), St. Lawrence River, 1760
- Fort William Augustus, Chimney Island (Ontario), St. Lawrence River, 1760
- Fort Haldim and, Carleton Island (New York), Thousand Islands archipelago, St. Lawrence River, American Revolution
- Fortifications, Island of Montreal, St. Lawrence River, 1685
- Fort of Sainte-Hélène Island, Montreal archipelago, St. Lawrence River, 1820-1830, 1849, Fenians’ Raid
- Blockhaus, Chimney Island, (Ontario), Saint Lawrence River, War of 1812-1814
- Martello Tower, Cedar Island, (Ontario), Thousand Islands archipelago, St. Lawrence River, Oregon Affair
- Salaberry Island, St. Lawrence River, War of 1812-1814
- Fort of Ile aux Noix, Richelieu River , 1759
Prison Islands:
- Prisoner’s Island (or Arthur) St. Lawrence River, American Revolution
- Sainte- Hélène Island, Montreal archipelago, St. Lawrence River, following the Rebellion of 1837-38 and World War II
- Island of Montreal, St. Lawrence River (Pied-du-Courant Prison), War of the Patriots
Espionnage Posts:
- Anticosti Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, World War I and II
- Ile d’Orléans, St. Lawrence River, World War I
Watch Posts:
- Isle aux Chevreuils (Carleton Island), Thousand Islands archipelago, St. Lawrence River, Seven Year War
- I le des Francs Tireurs, St. Lawrence River, War of 1812-1814
- Grenadier Island, St. Lawrence River, War of 1812-1814
Assembly Posts:
- Grenadier Island, St. Lawrence River, War of 1812-1814
- Iles du Bic, St. Lawrence Island, Seven Year War
- Hickory Island, Thousand Islands archipelago, St. Lawrence River, War of the Patriots
- Island of Montreal and Ile Jésus, Montreal archipelago, Saint Lawrence River, War of the Patriots
- Ile Sainte-Hélène, Montreal archipelago, American Revolution
Refuge for Deserters:
- Thousand Islands archipelago, St. Lawrence River, War of 1812-14
- Ile au Diable, Montreal archipelago, World War I
Military Camps:
- Ile Perrot, Montreal archipelago, St. Lawrence River, French-Iroquois Wars, Seven Year War
- Ile des Soeurs , Montreal archipelago, American Revolution
- Ile d’Orléans, St. Lawrence River, Seven Year War
Neutral Areas for Peace Talks:
- Isle aux Chevreuils (Carleton Island), Thousand Islands archipelago, St. Lawrence River, French-Iro quois Wars
- Island of Montreal, St. Lawrence River, 1701, French-Iroquois Wars
Super Secret Research Stations
- Grosse Ile, St. Lawrence River, World War II
Battle of l’île-aux-Noix – Ile-aux-Noix, Quebec
Historic event, a reminder of the War of 1812 and the capture of American sloops Eagle and Growler, 1813
Designated in 1923; a plaque was dedicated in 1927
Battle of Signal Hill – Newfoundland
Historic event commemorating the final battle of the Seven Year War in North America, 1762
Designated in 1959; a plaque was dedicated in 1961
Beaumont-Hamel – Beaumont-Hamel
Site which stands as a reminder of the achievements, contribution, and sacrifice of Newfoundland during the World War I
Designated in 1996; a plaque was dedicated in 1997
Bois Blanc Island Blockhaus – Bois Blanc Island, Ontario
Wooden Blockhaus built in 1839 following the Rebellion of 1837
The site was designated in 1961
Montreal ’s Surrender – Montreal
The events surrounding Montreal’s rendering in 1760
Designated in 1952
Castle Hill – Placentia, Newfoundland and Labrador
French and British fortifications dating back to the 17th and 18th century
Fort Amherst – St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Site of the 1777 fortification in the St. John’s harbour
Designated in 1951; a plaque was dedicated in 1970
Ile-Grassy Fort – Canso, Nova Scotia
Ruins of fortification dating back to the 18th century
Designated in 1962
Fort Lennox – Saint-Paul-de-l’île-aux-Noix, Quebec
Remarkable example of fortifications dating back to the 19th century
Designated in 1920; a plaque was dedicated in 1926
Fort McNab – McNab Island, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Fort built in 1889 to defend the Halifax harbour
Designated in 1965
Fort Rodd Hill – Colwood, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Fort built at the end of the 19th century to insure the defence of Victoria and Esquimalt
Designated in 1958; a plaque was dedicated in 1962
Fort St. Joseph – St. Joseph Island, Ontario
British military post on the western front during the War of 1812
Designated in 1923; a plaque was dedicated in 1928
Fort Townshend – St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Headquarters of the Newfoundland Garrison, 1779-1871
Designated in 1951; a plaque was dedicated in 1953
Fort William – St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Headquarters of the Newfoundland Garrison, 1618-1779
Designated in 1923; a plaque was dedicated in 1926
Bridge Island/Chimney Island – Chimney Island, Ontario
Naval base in the War of 1812
Designated in 1936; a plaque was dedicated in 1937
Carbonear Island – Carbonear, Newfoundland and Labrador
A symbol of the defence efforts of British establishments against French attacks in 1697 and 1705
Designated in 1954; a plaque was dedicated in 1981
Georges Island – Halifax, Nova Scotia
Defence structure in the Halifax harbour; includes Fort Charlotte, which surrounds a Martello
Designated in 1965
Herschel Island – Herschel Island, Yukon Territory
The creation of a Mounted Police detachment in 1903; affirmed Canadian sovereignty in the western Arctic
Designated in 1972; a plaque was dedicated in 1975
Navy Island – Niagara Falls, Ontario
Archeological vestiges linked to ship building
Designated in 1921; a plaque was dedicated in 1928
American Military Presence on Newfoundland – Argentia
Commemorates American military bases on Newfoundland during the World War II
Designated in 1988; a plaque was dedicated in 1998
Canadian Military Presence on Newfoundland – Argentia
Commemorates Canadian military bases on Newfoundland during the World War II
Designated in 2000
Canadian Sovereignty in the Arctic Archipelago – Melville Island, Northwest Territories
Events linked to the exercise of Canadian Sovereignty
Designated in 1981
Cathcart Tower – St. Lawrence Islands Nation Park, Ontario
Stone fortifications of the British Empire dating back to the mid 19th century
Designated in 1989