Canada’s Islands Database: National Historic Events

7 – Canada’s Islands and National Historic Events



Baffin Island (Nunavut)

Economic Life
The whaling industry in the eastern Arctic, Pond Inlet

Native and European whalers capture belugas and boreal whales
Designated in 1976

Cornwallis Island (Nunavut)

Economic Life
The 1954 voyage of the H.M.C.S. Labrador, Resolute

First crossing of the Northwest Passage by an icebreaker
Designated in 1981

Danish Island (Nunavut)

Cultural Life
Fifth Thule Expedition

Danish expedition in 1921-1924; led to the discovery of the Thule culture of 900-1450
Designated in 1977; a plaque was dedicated in 1979


Ellesmere Island ( Nunavut)

First International Polar Year, Fort Conger

Scientific study headed by 11 countries, 1882-1883
Designated in 1982; a plaque was dedicated in 1985

Herschell Island (Yukon)

Political Life
Herschell Island

Intercultural contact on Herschell Island; whaling industry in the western Arctic; Canadian sovereignty in the western Arctic
Designated in 1972; a plaque was dedicated in 1975

Melville Island ( Northwest Territories)

Political Life
Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic archipelago

Events linked to the exercise of Canadian sovereignty
Designated in 1981


Prince Edward Island

Discovery of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown

Jacques Cartier lands on the island’s shores in 1534
Designated in 1924; a plaque was dedicated in 1934

Selkirk Settlement, Belfast

800 Scottish settlers establish a settlement in 1803
Designated in 1954; a plaque was dedicated in 1991

Economic Life
Surveying the Island

Surveying of the island and its coast by Captain S. Holland from 1764 to 1766
Designated in 1932; a plaque was dedicated in 1935

Ice Boat Service, Cape Traverse

Winter postal service by ice boats across the Northumberland Strait (1827-1927)
Designated in 1955; a plaque was dedicated in 1970

Pioneer Fox Farming, Alberton

Industry and techniques developed between 1880 and 1910
Designated in 1939; a plaque was dedicated in en 1940

First Underwater Telegraph Cable, Charlottetown

First major underwater telegraph cable in North America (1852)
Designated in 1932; a plaque was dedicated in 1933

Survey of the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence

First precise charts produced by Captain Henry W. Bayfield between 1827 and 1856

Political Life
Land Claims, Charlottetown

Disputes between landowners and tenants that led to strikes and riots between 1767 and 1866
Designated in 1988

Prince Edward Island Becomes a Province, Charlottetown

The islands becomes the 7th province in 1873 after being granted ministerial responsibility in 1851
Designated in 1950; a plaque was dedicated in 1951

Ten Acadian National Conventions (1881-1937), Miscouche

These conventions played a key role in the affirmation of the national identity of the Acadian people
Designated in 1996; a plaque was dedicated in 2000

Lennox Island ( Prince Edward Island)

Economic Life
Malpeque Bay Mi’kmaqs, Lennox Island

Traditional Mi’kmaq hunting, fishing and gathering grounds
Designated in 1996; a plaque was dedicated in 1998

Newfoundland ( Newfoundland and Labrador)

Cabot arrival in the New World, Cape Bonavista

Landing on the 24 June 1497; the beginning of the British Empire overseas
Designated in 1958; a plaque was dedicated in 1984

Battle of Signal Hill, St. John’s

The final battle of the Seven Year War in North America in 1762
Designated in 1959; a plaque was dedicated in 1961

Carbonear Island , Carbonear

Defence efforts by British establishments against French attacks in 1697 and 1705
Désignation en 1954 et plaque en 1981

American Military Presence on Newfoundland, Argentia

Commemorates American military bases on Newfoundland during the Seconds World War
Designated in 1988; a plaque was dedicated in 1998

Canadian Military Presence on Newfoundland, Site recommended for a plaque, Bootwood or St. John’s

Canadian military, naval and air presence was an integral part of the war effort
Designated in 2000

Torbay, Torbay

Landing of the British forces in 1762, before the battle of Signal Hill
Designated in 1952; a plaque was dedicated in 1978

Canada’s First Inhabitants
Béothuks, Grand Falls

Native inhabitants on Newfoundland, now disappeared
Designated in 1955; a plaque was dedicated in 1980

Ancient Maritime Cemetaries/Culture: Dorset to Phillips Garden, Port au Choix

Three cemetaries representing ancient maritime culture
Designated in 1982

Cultural Life
St. John’s Regatta, St. John’s

Canada’s oldest sporting event, dates back to 1826
Designated in 1989; a plaque was dedicated in 1992

Economic Life
French Shore, Port au Choix

Fishing and occupation disputes between French and English (1713-1904)
Designated in 1955; a plaque was dedicated in 1978

Fishing Industry on the East Coast of Canada, Bonavista

The most important industry in the economic development of the Atlantic Provinces
Designated in 1975

Installation of the Transatlantic Underwater Cable, recommended site, Heart’s Content

From a technical point, represents a memorable event in the history of world telecommunications in the 19 th century
Designated in 2000

Basque Whaling in Labrador, Red Bay

Basque whaling in Labrador in the 16th century
Designated in 1979

Alcock-Brown Transatlantic Flight, St. John’s

First non-stop transatlantic flight from Newfoundland to Ireland in 1919
Designated in 1950; a plaque was dedicated in 1952

Transatlantic Flights, Harbour Grace

Harbour Grace aviation site; departure site of the first transatlantic (1919-1937)
Designated in 1951; a plaque was dedicated in 1954

Political Life
Responsible Government, St. John’s

Liberal premier P.F. Little forms a government in 1855
Designated in 1954; a plaque was dedicated in 1956

Atlantic Charter, Placentia-Ship Harbour

The basis of the United Nations Charter established in 1941
Designated in 1973/98; a plaque was dedicated in 1976

Newfoundland ’s Entry into Confederation, St. John’s

Newfoundland becomes the tenth Canadian province in 1949, following Joseph R. Smallwood’s campaign
Designated in 1958; a plaque was dedicated in 1979

Newfoundland Outport Nursing and Industrial Association (NONIA), recommended site, Pool’s Cove

Association for nursing care in remote areas; ensures various healthcare services in remote areas
Designated in 1998

Bell Island ( Newfoundland)

 Economic Life
Wabana Iron Mines, St. John’s

Bell Island mines rich in iron ore (1895-1966)
Designated in 1988; a plaque was dedicated in 1991


New Brunswick

Campobello Island

Political Life
Roosevelt, Franklin D. and Campobello Island

Roosevelt summer residence on is “beloved” island
Designated in 1945; a plaque was dedicated in 1946

Nova Scotia

Cape Breton Island

Economic Life
Cape Breton-Newfoundland Cable, North Sydney

Essential portion of the first transatlantic cable completed in 1856
Designated in 1927; a plaque was dedicated in 1934

 The Beginnings of the Coal Industry, Port Morien

Exploitation begin in 1720 in order to supply Louisbourg
Designated in 2003

Canada first flight, Baddeck

Flight of the «Silver Dart» in 1909; first flight in the British Empire
Designated in 1934

Transatlantic Radiotelegraphy, Glace Bay

First transatlantic wireless communication from West to East ( England) in 1902
Designated in 1938; a plaque was dedicated in 1951

Cultural Life
The Constitution and the Rise of the Canadian Federation of Association Hearth-School, Baddeck

Made an important contribution to the welfare of Canadian children
Designated in 2003



Ile-aux-Coudres, Saint-Bernard-sur-mer

Named by Jacques Cartier; he celebrated mass on this site in 1535
Designated in 1925; a plaque was dedicated in 1928


Island of Montreal

Montreal ’s Surrender

Events surrounding the rendering of Montreal in 1760
Designated in 1952

The Great Peace of 1701, Montreal

Triumph of French diplomacy in North America during the colonial era; the signing of the treaty ended a century of war
Designated in 2000; a plaque was dedicated in 2001

The Lachine Massacre, Lachine

The massacre of 200 settlers by 1500 Iroquois in 1689
Designated in 1923; a plaque was dedicated in 1935

Cultural Life
Royal Montreal Curling Club, Montreal

First structured curling club in North America, 1807
Designated in 1953; a plaque was dedicated in 1954

Economic Life
Accommodation (Ship), Montreal

Canada’s first steamship (Montreal-Quebec) 1809
Designated in 1925; a plaque was dedicated in 1928/1986

 Fur Trade, Lachine

Key industry during the greater part of Canada’s history
Designated in 1968

Noorduyn “Norseman” Aviation Company, Dorval

High winged brush plane built in 1935
Designated in 1975; a plaque was dedicated in 1979

The Conception and construction of the Tubular Victoria Bridge, Montreal

An exceptional feat of engineering; the construction of the longest bridge of the time using steam-powered machinery
Designated in 1999

Black Rail Worker and the Efforts to Unionize, Montreal

Unions improved work relations and help to improve individual rights
Designated in 1994; a plaque was dedicated in 1999

First Transcontinental Train, Montreal

Departed from Montreal in 1886, it was the first regular transcontinental rail service
Designated in 1939; a plaque was dedicated in 1939

Lachine Rapids, Lachine

Obstacle which contributed to the economic and industrial development of Montreal Designated in 1982; a plaque was dedicated in 1988

Postal Services, Montreal

First letter mail carrier service between Quebec City and Montreal in 1693; regular service began in 1763
Designated in 1927; a plaque was dedicated in 1938

Voyageurs, Sainte-Anne de Bellevue

The role of “voyageurs” in the exploration of the Canadian northwest
Designated in 1938

Railcars, Montreal

Railcars remaining as a tribute to the Canadian Railway Historical Association
Designated in 1961

Notre-Dame Congregation , Montreal

Founded around 1650 by Marguerite Bourgeoys to oversee children’s education
Designated in 1988

Brothers of the Christian Schools, Montreal

Teaching order which founded commercial and agriculture school in the 1840s

Sisters of Providence, Montreal

Community founded in 1843 by Émilie Gamelin to help the poor and the sick
Designated in 1988; a plaque was dedicated in 1996

Sisters of Sainte-Anne, Lachine

Community founded in 1850 by Marie-Esther Blondin, devoted to teaching and caring for the sick
Designated in 1988; a plaque was dedicated in 1995

Grey Nuns of Montreal

Order founded in 1747 by Marguerite d’Youville to care for the sick
Designated in 1988

Richelieu River ( Quebec)


Battle of Ile-aux-Noix, Ile-aux-Noix

War of 1812 and the capture of American sloops «Eagle» and «Growler» in 1813
Designated in 1923; a plaque was dedicated in 1927

Royal Marine on Lake Champlain, Ile-aux-Noix

Canadian defence efforts in 1776-1777 and during the War of 1812-14
Designated in 1927; a plaque was dedicated in 1929


Vancouver Island

Creation of the Province of British Columbia, Victoria

Province created in 1871
Designated in 1948; a plaque was dedicated in 1951

 Exploration of the Juan de Fuca Strait, Oak Bay

British, American, and Spanish explorations, beginning in 1787
Designated in 1924; a plaque was dedicated in 1925

Migration of Black Pioneers to British Columbia, Saanichton

Influenced the history of British Columbia; this migration had an impact on religious, military and social institutions
Designated in 1997; a plaque was dedicated in 2000

Economic Life
Pacifique Cable, Bamfield

A accomplishment of Sir Sanford Fleming, completed in 1902
Designated in 1927; a plaque was dedicated in 1930

Forestry in British Columbia, Port Alberni

Physical characteristics and density of the Pacific forest led to specialised techniques in forest exploration
Désignation en 1943 et plaque en 1950

Nanaimo, Nanaimo

Site of the first commercial coal mine in British Columbia (1852)
Designated in 1924; a plaque was dedicated in 1927

Old Town Victoria

Commercial district of western Canada’s primary port until 1900
Designated in 1990