Institute of Island Studies Publications Library

Institute of Island Studies | Publications Library

This collection comprises an extensive list of reports and papers stemming from our work since the founding of the Institute of Island Studies in 1985.
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Publications by year:

1980–1989 | 1990–1999 | 2000–2009 | 2010–2019 | 2020–present


Brinklow, L., Davison, P., & Randall, J., (2023), Project Well-Being: Quality of Life on Prince Edward Island.

Brinklow, L., Jennings, J. (Eds.) (2023). The Bridge Effect: Critical Reflections in the Age of Technological Solutionism. Island Studies Press.

Telesford, John N. (Ed.) (2023) Islands Economic Cooperation Forum Annual Report on Global Islands 2022, Island Studies Press/Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, P.R. China.


Institute of Island Studies. (2022). Fostering Belonging, Inclusivity and Vitality on PEI
Analysis of Factors Influencing Population Retention and Out-Migration.

Randall, James (Ed.) (2022) Islands Economic Cooperation Forum Annual Report on Global Islands 2021, Island Studies Press/Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, P.R. China.


Brinklow, L., Ellsmoor, J., Randall, J., Rouby, M., Sajeva, G., Shetye, A., & Sindico, F. (Eds). (2021). COVID-19 Island Insights Series Final Report.

Chapman, M., Brinklow, L., & Gillespie, A. (2021). Economic impacts and future pathways: COVID-19 in Atlantic Canada.

Institute of Island Studies. (2021). What can island studies show us about sustainable development and public policy today? The Parliamentarian, 2021 Issue 1: Parliamentary democracy in the smallest Parliaments and Legislatures of the Commonwealth.

Brinklow, Laurie. (2021). Institute of Island Studies: Contributing to Public Policy on PEI. Document summarizing the IIS’s contributions to climate change and environmental education and public policy on PEI.

Chapman, Marlene. (2021, April 14). Islandness: A COVID-19 superpower? (Guest Opinion). SaltWire Network.

Randall, James (Ed.) (2021) Islands Economic Cooperation Forum Annual Report on Global Islands 2020, Island Studies Press/Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, P.R. China.

Randall, James E., Brinklow, Laurie, & Chapman, Marlene. (2021). Insular knowledge: Building a community of islands through knowledge mobilization. In Imagining the future of Knowledge Mobilization: Perspectives from UNESCO Chairs (pp. 79-94). Canadian Commission for UNESCO.

Robertson, G. (2021). Two year timeline of COVID-19 pandemic impacting islands worldwide. Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island.


Brinklow, Laurie, with Whitten Henry, Maggie. J. (2020). Island responses to COVID-19 (CRRF Rural Insights Series: COVID-19, no. 1.12)Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation.

Randall, James (Ed.) (2020) Islands Economic Cooperation Forum Annual Report on Global Islands 2019, Island Studies Press/Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, P.R. China.


Randall, James (Ed.) (2019) Islands Economic Cooperation Forum Annual Report on Global Islands 2018, Island Studies Press/Foreign Affairs Office of Hainan Province, P.R. China.

Institute of Island Studies & Community Foundation of Prince Edward Island (2019). Prince Edward Island Vital Signs 2019.


Institute of Island Studies and PEI Department of Workforce and Advanced Learning. (2018) Recruiting Talent to PEI [Survey & Report].

Randall, James (Ed.) (2018) Islands Economic Cooperation Forum Annual Report on Global Islands 2017. Island Studies Press/Foreign & Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Hainan Province, P.R. China.

Prinsen, Gerard. (2018) Islandness in the Pacific and an Emerging Islandian Sovereignty, Presentation to IST 6140: “Islandness: Culture, Change and Identity” class in the Master of Arts in Island Studies program, March 7, 2018.


Randall, Jim. (2017) Pingtan Island Conference Keynote Address: Changing Island Economies. September 23, 2017 (Speaking Notes | PowerPoint Presentation Slides).


Brinklow, Laurie. (2016) The Guest Book: The-wave-lined-edgeThe Buzz, September 2016 (page A33).

Kielly, E. (2016) Sustainable Agriculture and the Island’s Food System. Rapporteur’s report from Sustainable Agriculture and the Island Food System Public Symposium, November 14, 2016.

MacDonald, G. Edward. (2016) History and PEI’s Population Dilemma. Rapporteur’s report from Island Mobility, Migration and Population Issues: A Public Symposium, January 21, 2016.

Mazer, Katie. (2016) Making mobile workers in the oil sands era. (Powerpoint Slides for presentation at Island Mobility, Migration and Population Issues: A Public Symposium, January 21, 2016).

Randall, James. (2016)  A fear of losing connection to place. Rapporteur’s report from The Geography of Governance Public Forum. The Guardian, March 9, 2016.

Randall, James. (2016) Population Characteristics on Prince Edward Island as a Small Island: Setting the Stage. Powerpoint Slides from presentation at the Island Mobility, Migration and Population Issues: A Public Symposium, January 21, 2016.


Randall, James. (2014) Land Symposium Summary. (Summary from the Land Use Policy Public Symposium).

O’Connor, Ryan. (2014) One Island, One Source. A Review of the Literature Concerning Prince Edward Island’s Groundwater Resources (From the Island Water Futures Public Symposium)

Randall, James. (2014) Water symposium Summary (From the Island Water Futures Public Symposium)


Novaczek, Irene; MacFadyen, Josh; Bardati, Darren; and MacEachern, K. (2011) Social and Cultural Values Mapping as a decision-support tool for climate change adaptation. (Report from the Values Mapping Project)


Baldacchino, Godfrey. (2010) Bridging Two Solitudes: The Contribution of Island Studies to Rural Studies. Presentation at The Rural Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia [VIDEO]

Howard, Laura Lee. (2010) Community Storytelling and Evidence-based Integration Strategy.

Novaczek, Irene, and Vazquez, Abigail. (2010) The Heart of Mother Earth: Youth engagement with the sea and marine resources, on Chiloe Island, Chile.


Institute of Island Studies.(2009) The Importance of Positive Government-Governance Relations for Land Use and Management on Prince Edward Island.

D’Ambrogi, Kim, and Novaczek, Irene. (2009) “We are people of the island”: Social and Cultural Microenterprise on the Small Island of Chiloe, Chile.

Horne, Carol. (2009) The Island Landscape: A Non-Renewable Resource.

Le Vangie, Delores; Novaczek, Irené; Enman, Stacey; MacKay, Rachel; and Clough, Katherine. (2009) Quality of Island Life Survey: Tyne Valley and Surrounding Areas, 2006. Report for the Quality of Island Life Cooperative.


Le Vangie, Dolores, and Soto Quenti, Mariani. (2008) Medicinal Seaplants of the Mi’kmaq and Williche.


Institute of Island Studies. (March 2007) Public Consultations on the PEI Museum System.


Novaczek, Irené and Fanning, Laura (May 2005) The Economic, Social and Environmental Implications of Genetically Modified Crops (GMOs) on Islands.


Institute of Island Studies. (June 2004) Towards a Smart Street: An Urban Design Approach to University Avenue – A presentation by Mr. Shiban Raina. (Summary of public comments and questions following the presentation).

Guay, Lorraine. (July 2004) Le Canada insulaire : aspects géographiques et environnementaux.

Ledwell, Jane. (2004). W(h)ither the writer: Is There Cyber-Space for Prince Edward Island Literary Writing? Presentation to ArtsNetlantic-CMTC International New Media Research Networks Conference.


Institute of Island Studies. (September 2003) Environmental Policy Forum Summary. From a Public Forum held Monday, September 22, 2003. All-party Panel: Gary Robichaud, NDP PEI; Chester Gillan, PC Party of PEI; Richard Brown, PEI Liberal Party.

Carmichael, Margie. (March 2003) Tripping Over Roots: Seeds of Island Songwriting.


Baglole, Harry. (2002) Pioneers in Local Governance. A case for municipal reform in West Prince.

Barnick, Heather. (2002) The Cleaner Ban and The Future of PEI’s Oyster Industries and Rural Communities.

Doucette, Yvette. (2002) Community Leads: Profiles of PEI Community Development Works in Progress.

Hay, Peter. (2002) The Master’s Wife: An Antipodean Appreciation.

Kennedy, Michael. (2002) Gaelic in Prince Edward Island: A Cultural Remnant (Gaelic Field Recording Project) – Index and Introduction. Original Project Compiled by Dr. John Shaw, 1987.

Ledwell, Jane. (2002) The Urgency for International Exchange in the Arts. Presentation to the North Atlantic Forum.

Ledwell, Jane. (June 2002) Afraid of Heights, Not Edges: Representations of Shoreline in Contemporary Prince Edward Island Poetry and Visual Art. Presentation to ISISA Islands of the World VII International Conference.

MacDonald, Wendy. (2002) Seeing the Forest: Island Forest Forum 2001. Proceedings from a Public Forum December 2001.

MacDonald, Wendy (2002) Forests and Forestry in Prince Edward Island: Backgrounder to a Public Forum, December 12, 2001. [Condensed version]

MacQuarrie, Ian. (2002) Hedgerows … can help. (Illustrated brochure to accompany 1989 report)

Nunn, Patrick. (July 2002) Review of Arnberger and Arnberger’s The Tropical Islands of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Srebrnik, Henry. (2002) Book Review: A Geography of Islands: Small Island Insularity, by Stephen A. Royle.


Baglole, Harry. (2001) Land Use Issues on Prince Edward Island.

Baldacchino, Godfrey. (2001) Lessons from Iceland.

Bates, St. John. (2001) Offshore Finance: How Safe Is the Constitutional Safety Net?

Bates, St. John. (2001) Mann Speaks: First Thoughts on the 2001 General Election to the House of Keys in the Isle of Man.

Cousins, David MacKay. (November 2001) Some Island Entrepreneurs.

Hartigan, Shannon. (2001) Third Annual Island Youth Forum: Youth and Work: Proceedings of the Forum, November 15, 2001.

Jolliffe, Lee, and Tom Baum. (October 2001) Directions in Cultural Tourism.

MacDonald, Wendy. (February 2001) Inter-Island Study of Population Health Meeting, February 17, 2001, Taeknigardur, University of Iceland, Reykjavik.

Mullally, Sasha. (2001) Icelandair 2001: International Air Services and Atlantic Canada.

Murphy, Sarah Katherine. (November 2001) Backgrounder: 3rd Annual Youth Forum Youth and Work, November 15, 2001.

Murray, Fiona. (2001) The EU and Member State Island Territories.

Nielsen, Jens Kaalhauge. (May 2001) Industrial Development in the Microstates in the North Atlantic Rim. Proposed Research Trip to Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, and Halifax.

Sigurðsson, Gisli. (2001) Vikings on Prince Edward Island?


Institute of Island Studies. (October 2000) Centre for the New Economy Business Plan.

Institute of Island Studies & Population Strategy ’99 Panel. (2000) A Place to Stay? The Report of the Prince Edward Island Population Strategy ’99.

Baglole, Harry. (2000) Celebrating Responsible Government at the age of 150.

Cousins, J. Andrew. (2000) Electoral Reform for Prince Edward Island.

Hay, Peter. (July 2000) Tasmania: The Strange and Verdant Politics of a Strange and Verdant Land

McCabe, Shauna. (March 2000) Pondering Ponds: A Process for Assessing Community Attitudes Toward In-Stream Impoundments on Prince Edward Island.

MacDonald, Wendy. (March 2000) Statistical Backgrounder to “A Place to Stay? The Report of the Prince Edward Island Population Strategy ’99.”

Milne, David. (2000) Ten Lessons for Economic Development in small jurisdictions.


Institute of Island Studies. (1999) Public Notice CRTC 1998: Submission to the CRTC Public Consultations on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

Cousins, J. Andrew. (March 1999) The Geography of Governance: An Overview of Boundaries, Powers and Responsibilities. Report in collaboration with the Federation of Prince Edward Island Municipalities, the PEI Department of Community Affairs, and the PEI Attorney General’s Office.

Ledwell, Thomas. (June 1999) Backgrounder to the Second Annual Premier’s Youth Forum: Youth and Violence, June 3, 1999.

MacDonald, Wendy. (1999) Backgrounder: Population and Demographic Trends on PEI. Prepared for the Population Strategy Panel, September 1999.

MacDonald, Wendy. (1999) Workshop on local governance. March 29, 1999.


Institute of Island Studies & Employment Strategy ’98 Panel. (1998) Securing our Future: An Employment Strategy for Prince Edward Island.

Institute of Island Studies. (1998) Finding Our Niche: The Knowledge Economy and Prince Edward Island. Papers from a public forum held February 23, 1998.

Institute of Island Studies. (January 22, 1998) Brief to the Standing Committee on Social Development: On Amendments to the Human Rights Act.

Hagen, Laura. (1998) Seasonality in Tourism in the Small Islands of the North Atlantic.

Hagen, Laura. (1998) Final Report on the First Premier’s Forum on Youth.

Hornby, Jim and Shaw, John. (1998) Report on a Sound and Film Archives for Prince Edward Island. 58 pp. Available at UPEI Roberston Library in hard copy only.

MacDonald, Ed. (1998) Getting Around: A Survey of Public Transportation Within Small Islands.

MacDonald, Wendy. (December 1998) Statistical Backgrounder to “Securing our Future: An Employment Strategy for Prince Edward Island.”

MacDonald, Wendy. (1998) The Landscape of Prince Edward Island’s Knowledge Economy: Statistical Backgrounder to the Public Forum “Finding our Niche: The Knowledge Economy and Prince Edward Island.”

McQuaid, Sean. (May 21, 1998) The Premier’s Forum on Youth: Backgrounder.


Baglole, Harry, Barry Bartmann, David Bulger, and Henry Srebrnik. (1997) Prince Edward Island and the Canadian Constitution: A Brief to the standing committee on the constitution.

Cousins, J. Andrew. (1997) Primary Resource Industry Waste on Prince Edward Island.

Cousins, J. Andrew. (September 1997) Obtaining Value from Waste: Primary Resource Industry Waste on Prince Edward Island. Available at UPEI Roberston Library in hard copy only.

Jolliffe and Associates, (September 1997). The Story in the Landscape: The Promise of Cultural Tourism. Report of the Cultural Tourism Conference Planning Committee. Available at UPEI Roberston Library in hard copy only.

MacDonald, Wendy. (1997) Overview on the Knowledge Economy and Society.

O’Grady, Michael. (1997) From Grass Roots to Grim Reapings: A History of The Prince Edward Island Rural Development Council. ISBN 0-919013-29-5.

Ployer, Janice. (October 1997) West Prince: A Community Profile. Prepared for the Canadian Rural Restructuring Foundation 1997 Conference, October 15-18, 1997, Mill River, Prince Edward Island.


Institute of Island Studies. (1996) Agriculture on PEI: Sunset Industry or Economic Cornerstone? Papers from a symposium held November 25, 1996.

Institute of Island Studies. (1996) Maritime Union: Is It a Good Idea for PEI? Papers from a symposium, February 27, 1996.

Institute of Island Studies. (1996) Looking Beyond the Periphery: Plenary Presentations from the 1996 SSHRC International Summer Institute by Barry Bartmann/David Milne, Tom Baum, Larry Felt, Lisa Lyck, Ray Andrews/Peter Friis/Larry Hammell, and Rob Greenwood/Mark Shrimpton.

Bartmann, Barry. (1996) Salt Water Frontiers: Jurisdiction as a Resource for Small Islands. Keynote Address to the Annual Conference of the Island Institute, Castille, Maine, USA, October 1996.

Gillis, Carolyn A. (1996) Aquaculture and the Export of Knowledge-based Services.


Greenwood, Rob. (1995) Newfoundland Between Colonial Paternalism and Self-sufficiency.

Hannibalson, Ólafur. (1995) The Dark Side of the Quota System.


Bartmann, Barry. (1992) Lilliput Revisited: Small Space in a Changing World.


Ramsay, James (August 1990) International Small Islands Research: The Global Context and Is There a Role for the Institute of Island Studies? 135 pp. Available at UPEI Roberston Library in hard copy only.


Institute of Island Studies. (1989) Focus on the Land: Preparing for the Royal Commission. (Illustrated fact sheet designed to inform the public about Island land issues.)

MacKinnon, Wayne, and Elinor Vass. (1989) The Best of the Past: Traditional, Sustainable Agriculture in Prince Edward Island.

MacQuarrie, Ian. (1989) Hedgerows Can Help: Soil Conservation, Crop Protection, Wildlife Habitat, Landscape Beauty.


Institute of Island Studies. (1988) Focus on the Land: Preparing for the Royal Commission.

McClellan, John. (1988) Rules of the Game: Land Use and Land Ownership on PEI. Keynote Presentation from a Public Forum Held November 10, 1988.

McRobie, George. (1988) An Island Future Towards Sustainability and Self Reliance


Institute of Island Studies. (1987) The Fixed Crossing and the Island: Bonanza or Boondoggle? Papers from a Public Forum Held October 8, 1986.

Shaw, John. (1987) Gaelic In Prince Edward Island: A Cultural Remnant (Gaelic Field Recording Project). Indexed and Introduced by Michael Kennedy, 2002. Audio Tape Index, Video Tape Index, Printed Field Notes in PDF.


Department of Community and Cultural Affairs (December 1983) Inventory of Natural Science Specimens of Prince Edward Island by Kathy Martin. 26 pp. with 500 pp. appendices. Available at UPEI Roberston Library in hard copy only.


Miencke, Peter. (1978) What is The Right Size? An address to the Royal Canadian Institute Toronto.